†, daily bread, reminders, revelations


In June 2009, I took my first visit to the ER from having a seizure.

From then to January 26 of 2012, I had multiple seizures in the span of every one to three months. Since end of 2011, I received promises of healing and kept claiming it as a FACT. In December 2011, I gave a testimony in front of hundreds about how God healed me from seizures. I had it again in January 2012, but my faith in His healing power did not waver. I laughed it off because I knew it was the Enemy’s last taunt to make me worry, fear, and doubt.

I remember having such bad migraines that I couldn’t do anything, I just sat, waiting for them to disappear. I remember visiting my neurologist and feeling so out of place because all the other patients were elders in their 50+’s. I remember being hospitalized for a week before college. I remember almost having gone through bone marrow surgery. I remember the humiliation, the pain, and the agony…

But I’m glad to say these things are things of the PAST. “The Old has gone. The New has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

It’s been over ONE whole year and I claim that I am COMPLETELY healed. It’s the truth. God has broken off the chains of illness. He washes me daily again and again with his healing blood. Through the 3 years of being “ill,” God brought so much internal healing in my life that allowed me (for the first time in my life) to taste freedom and walk in confidence.

I’m again waiting and praying for a breakthrough.

I don’t have this yet, but God keeps telling me “You already have it. Just claim it in my Name.” So I choose to believe. I’m crying inside in joy because I already taste the reward in my spirit. It’s so near. It’s just the matter for me to catch the unseen and claim it in my present.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).


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